Thursday, September 25, 2008

My First Angel Art Show

Last month I had my first ‘true’ art show where I sold my illustrations, prints, etc. The show was great. I didn’t sell a tremendous amount of work, but was rewarded in a much more lucrative, spiritual manner. I met a lot of people who connected with my Angels– creating immediate bonds through their eyes and their smiles. I sat in the back of my booth and mostly watched– Feeling the connections as they were made, affirming my purpose to draw Angelic beings.

On my second day, I had the honor of meeting a woman who’s story will stay with me always. She stepped into the booth and caught vision of my baby Angel held high in the hands of the creator. A huge smile came across her face. As she chuckled, she said “when art makes you smile, it makes it all worth it”. She came up to me and pulled out a silver pendant on a chain which read “heaven will return to you what you have lost”. With tears in her eyes she explained that the baby Angel brought her warm visions of her husband and son, both of which have went on before her.

I was honored to have reached into a spirit so deeply with a simple illustration on an Angel.

She went on to share another story of her mother. She said she was blessed to be present at the moment of her Mother’s death. For a few days leading up to then her mother was unable to speak. Yet only moments before she passed over a huge smile came across her face. The woman asked “ why are you smiling Mama?” Her mother replied “there are babies on my bed”. “Babies Mama?” “Yes. Baby Angels.” With a great smile she breathed her last breath with baby Angels surrounding her.

I was so blessed to have experienced this stories. This is what it is meant to be... Bringing the Angels into the light. I am honored to be a vessel.

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