Monday, November 3, 2008

A Beautiful Start To My Day

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I'd like to share a story of an experience I had this morning, not even ten minutes ago.

Just a little background first. I am an artist. I specialize in drawing angels, in particular, baby angels. I have drawn all my life but only recently began showing and selling my work. At my last show I had a woman ask if I could create a gift for her friend who had lost a baby daughter to SIDs. I was honored and humbled. She picked up the angel baby illustration on Friday of last week and intended to give it to the mother today.

I came into my office this morning, starting unpacking my computer and began setting it up. As I was doing this mundane task, I was intently having a conversation with this baby's mother in my head, expressing to her what this experience meant to me. How grateful I was for the gifts I have been given, the opportunity of being in the right time and space, and the ability to touch another through my work. I was thinking of how I would explain this great honor of drawing her daughter and how thankful I was for it.

So, as I was saying, I was having this conversation in my head, unpacking my computer and something caught my eye. At first I thought it was a piece of dust floating around. But it truly stopped me in my tracks. I couldn't stop watching it. It wasn't a normal piece of dust. It didn't float as if air was carrying it. It moved as if it was alive. I thought, maybe a bug... gnat of some sort? But it was silver, shiny... and then it twinkled. I thought, could it be the tiniest lightning bug in the world?

Then, I was hit with the greatest feeling of humility and gratitude. And it was gone.

What a great start to my day.